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Your name:

How was the mastered CD sound quality?

4 - The Best
3 - Excellent
2 - Ok
1 - Poor

Was it easy to find information on our website?

4 - Very Easy
3 - Somewhat Easy
2 - Somewhat difficult
1 - Painful

Did we meet your Expectations?

3 - Exceeded Expectations
2 - Met Expectations
1 - Did Not Meet Expectations

Would you come back to us for future mastering projects?

3 - Yes, Definitely
2 - Maybe
1 - Probably Not

Would you recommend us to a friend?

3 - Yes, Definitely
2 - Maybe
1 - Probably Not

Tell us what you liked about working with us:

Tell us how we could improve (be honest, we can take it...):

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Working Man's Productions | Lancaster, PA